JETs are Everywhere
JETAA International (JETAAI) works to support and connect alumni around the world, and ensure the continuity and vitality of JET and JETAA.
JETAAI was relaunched in 2016 with the aim to support and promote the activities and growth of JET alumni associations around the world, by facilitating the exchange of ideas and information and helping them build networks and connections to each other. JETAAI supports the JET Program and current JET participants, reaching out to groups like AJET. JETAAI also acts as the point of contact for other organizations and government bodies such as CLAIR. JETAAI is run by enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers. Each member country is represented on the JETAAI Executive Committee through their JETAA chapter(s) Country Representative(s)
Worldwide Chapters
JETAAI boasts 50 chapters worldwide (not counting numerous subchapters), 17 countries (officially) and over 70,000 alumni. If you are living outside the US, we encourage you to find the international chapter closest to you (but also maintain your membership with USJETAA).
US Country Reps
The US has 3 Country Representatives (CRs) seats as part of the JETAAI Executive Committee. These CRs are elected by the 19 US Chapters and related sub-chapters represent this body to the international JETAA body.