See How Your Support Makes a Difference to USJETAA

We’re proud to launch USJETAA's first annual Giving Campaign! Donor support is essential to create opportunities that empower JETs—past, present, and those yet to come. Watch our campaign video to see how, for nearly a decade, USJETAA has been dedicated to enhancing US-Japan relations and connecting JET alumni through professional development, cultural events, and educational programming.

This past year, we’ve hosted over 40 events, reaching more than 1,000 JETs and alumni. Our video showcases the impact of our programs on the community. Your donation dollars will make a difference in our community.

  • Current JETs: USJETAA creates programs and curates opportunities which support the success of today’s JETs. We do this through programs such as our Tayō-sei Group Mentorship Program, Microgrants for Current JETs, and post-JET career preparedness workshops. 

  • JET Alumni: We support the success of all alumni through our University Partnerships, professional development workshops, networking and opportunities through our JETAA Job Board. We also host all-alumni reunions marking key anniversary years, intellectual and cultural programming like the Japanese Reading Group and JET-focused publications to keep you updated and connected to your fellow alumni.

  • JETAA Chapters: USJETAA supports the 19 JETAA chapters across the USA, facilitating grassroots and local connections. We offer Chapter Grants, support regional career workshops, provide mentorship to chapter leaders and secure funding for elements of the annual National Conference which brings together chapter leadership from across the nation.

Your support will helps us grow and strengthen our community. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Please share the video and spread the word about USJETAA among your fellow JET alumni to help us build a stronger, more connected global network.

Thank you for your support!


Career Compass Part 1: Entry to US-Japan Opportunities


USJETAA Welcomes Yomu Yomu as our Japanese Reading Group Sponsor