JETAA Chapter Virtual Events: August 2020
**Page will be updated as new events are created**
Links to events in private/closed Facebook groups may not be available unless you are in the group.
JETAA USA Yoga Every Wednesday at 11 AM ET Facebook Event (you do not need Facebook to participate)Come join a 10-15 minute yoga session with fellow JETAA members. We will begin the Zoom at 11:00 (EDT), and begin the video shortly after. When we finish our yoga session, let's sit back and chat, before we go on with our day.
Every Thursday at 8:00 PM EDT - JETAA Great Lakes Aggretsuko Netflix Watch PartiesThursdays - Join Facebook Group for Event DetailsLet's enjoy watching TV "together" with a watch party! We'll be using the Netflix Party extension, so please be sure to have that downloaded ahead of time (there have been issues for people who attempted to use it immediately after downloading it). We will be watching Aggretsuko every Thursday.Dates: August 6, 13, 20, 27 2020Time: 8-9pmLocation: The link will be posted shortly before the event begins. Mark "going" on our Facebook event or, alternatively, contact us if you need the link sent to your email.Looking forward to seeing you!
Every Friday at 8:30 AM PDT / 11:30 AM EDTJETAA USA Radio Taiso: Facebook Event (you do not need Facebook to participate)
Join your fellow JET alumni for Radio Taiso every Friday morning! It’s a 3-6 min stretch followed by a quick social check-in if you have time to chat.
Join the virtual stretch via zoom:
Check your timezone:11:30am EDT (New York)10:30am CDT (Kansas City)9:30am MDT (Denver)8:30am PST (Los Angeles)
Every Sunday at 2 PM to 3 PM - JETAA DC Japanese Script Reading ClubJoin your fellow Japanese language learners and read through a Japanese short play script! The first read-through is for language study, the second read-through is for putting emotion into your Japanese. There will be three language levels available (easy, medium, hard), and a native-speaking Japanese Pronunciation Coach in every zoom breakout room.Email jetambassador@jetaadc.
August 1, 2020 at 2 PM MDT - JETAA Rocky Mountain Book Club: The Ten Loves of Nishino by Hiromi Kawakami - Facebook EventSave the date! For our next book club meeting, we will be gathering to discuss The Ten Loves of Nishino by Hiromi Kawakami. Bring your camp chair and a beverage as we practice social distancing in the park and get together to consider love, commitment and the tale of Nishino as told through the voices of ten women who loved him during different periods of his life.
August 2, 2020 at 2 PM MDT - JETAA Portland Zoom Karaoke - Facebook EventHave you been longing to sing karaoke with your friends? So have we!Thanks to Voicebox Karaoke and their free Zoom karaoke, we can now do just that – with songs in both English and Japanese. So break out your karaoke mic and get ready to sing your favorite songs, 'cause we've got a 4 hour time slot and we're gonna sing the night away!Spots are limited to 15 people, so please make sure to RSVP via the Google form in the ticket link! Please also have a pair of earbuds, earphones, or a headset for an optimal karaoke experience!See you there!
August 3, 2020 at 6:30 - 7:30 PM EDT - JETAANY Nihongo Dake 春のお喋りタイム #13「Never Have I Ever」- Facebook EventClick “going” on the FB page to RSVP. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone via FB Messenger ten minutes before the session is to begin. Note that this is not necessarily restricted to JETAANY-area JET alumni, and that you can invite friends-of-JET along (if you have any native-speaker friends who’d enjoy an informal chat session, by all means bring them along. If they don’t have FB, they can still participate; just inform me beforehand).There’s no fee to participate, and feel free to leave the chat whenever or for whatever reason. However, if you would like to participate, try not to be late.This week’s 話題/jumping-off point is: 「”私は今まで一度も◯◯したことない”ゲーム」If you have any questions, do ask me (Giuseppe “Joe” di Martino) at
August 6, 2020 at 6:30 PM CDT - JETAA Mothra Storyteller Hour | Storyteller Sign Up Open! - Facebook EventJoin us for a very special JETAA virtual event as we swap stories and amazing memories from our time on the JET Program. Whether it's been a year, a decade, or longer since you've been to Japan, come relive those only-in-Japan moments with your JETAA friends! This will be an informal event with different speakers sharing short, 5-min stories of their most memorable experiences on JET.Our theme for this storytelling event is... Touchdown in Tokyo: Your First Week on the JET Program! From panic packing, Tokyo orientation, arriving at your placement, and settling into your new life on the the other side of the planet, we'll relive the moments that made us laugh, cry, cringe, and form a very special bond with our home-away-from-home.SEEKING SPEAKERS!Sign up here if you'd like to share a story about your first week in Japan: are currently looking for 6 speakers, but can modify formatting to accommodate more or less than 6.A few details about this casual event.-Bring your favorite beverage for a Kampai at 7pm! 🥂-Hop on hop off--You can stay for the whole time or just pop in to say "Hi"!-Video call details will be shared before the start of the event
August 7, 2020 at 7 PM - 10 PM EDT - JETAANY JET Virtual Game Night - Facebook EventLet's get together and play some games! This is our bimonthly virtual gaming meetup. We have a nice selection of games to play through the internet! Take a look at the poll to see what games we have and vote for what you're interested in.
August 7, 2020 at 7 PM - 9 PM UTC-10 - JETAA Hawaii Virtual Pau Hana August - REGISTERJETAA Hawaii is hosting a virtual pau hana! Grab your drinks, food, and settle in for a night of talking story with both JET alumni and the new 2020 JETs. Due to privacy concerns, the Zoom meeting ID and password will be sent out via email at least one hour prior to the event. Therefore, it is important to RSVP on the Google Form here: by Thursday night (August 6) and remember to check your email to see you there!
August 10, 2020 at 6:30 - 7:30 PM EDT - JETAANY Nihongo Dake 春のお喋りタイム #14「Trivia Edition」- Facebook EventClick “going” on the FB page to RSVP. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone via FB Messenger ten minutes before the session is to begin. Note that this is not necessarily restricted to JETAANY-area JET alumni, and that you can invite friends-of-JET along (if you have any native-speaker friends who’d enjoy an informal chat session, by all means bring them along. If they don’t have FB, they can still participate; just inform me beforehand).There’s no fee to participate, and feel free to leave the chat whenever or for whatever reason. However, if you would like to participate, try not to be late.This week’s 話題/jumping-off point is: 「トリヴィア」If you have any questions, do ask me (Giuseppe “Joe” di Martino) at
August 11, 2020 at 8:30 PM ET & August 13, 2020 at 9:00 AM ET - School for International Training (SIT) Scholarship Info SessionAre you interested in attending graduate school? The School of International Training (SIT) Graduate Institute has partnered with the USJETAA to offer a scholarship to JET alumni interested in pursuing a master’s degree program at SIT. SIT will commit to providing 30% tuition scholarships for eligible JET alumni. Please join us to learn more about the mater’s programs and scholarship available to JET alumni. JET alumni who have completed their MA at SIT have been invited to join us for this presentation.Two information sessions will be held.Session 1 (Aug 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM Pacific Time / 8:30 PM Eastern Time / 9:30 AM Japan Time 8/12):REGISTERSession 2 (Aug 13, 2020 at 6 AM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern Time / 10:00 PM Japan Time):REGISTERSIT offers master’s degree programs in part-time, low-residency and full-time, face-to-face, global formats in the following subjects:Master of Arts in Climate Change and Global SustainabilityMaster of Arts in Development PracticeMaster of Arts in Diplomacy & International RelationsMaster of Arts in Global Health Policy, Administration & ManagementMaster of Arts in Humanitarian Assistance and Crisis ManagementMaster of Arts in Intercultural Service, Leadership & Management (Online with brief residencies in Vermont)Master of Arts in International Education (Global, Online with brief residencies in Vermont)Master of Arts in Peace and Justice Leadership (Online with brief residencies in Vermont and abroad)Master of Arts in Sustainable Development (Online with brief residencies in Vermont and abroad)Master of Arts in TESOL (Online with brief residencies in Vermont)
August 14, 2020 at 6:00 - 9:00 PM PDT - JETAASC Crafty Get-Together - Facebook EventHello crafty JET Alums and Friend of JETs! Get your craft supplies ready for a "JETAASC Crafty Get-together!" on zoom. Feel free to work on any project, new idea, gestating idea, or just hang! I'll be working on crocheting, playing with my ever-growing collection of washi tape, and bullet journaling. Hope to see you there!Zoom link will be posted in the Facebook event.If anyone wants to invite a JET or FOJ not on Facebook, please have them email for the zoom link.
August 14, 2020 at 8:00 PM - Great Lakes JETAA Online Game Night - Facebook EventPlease join us for an Online Jackbox Game Night on Zoom!
August 14, 2020 ay 5 PM CDT - JETAA Texoma Movie and Discussion - "The Case of Hana & Alice" - Facebook Event
August 17, 2020 at 6:30 - 7:30 PM EDT - JETAANY Nihongo Dake 春のお喋りタイム #15「Would You Rather?」- Facebook EventClick “going” on the FB page to RSVP. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone via FB Messenger ten minutes before the session is to begin. Note that this is not necessarily restricted to JETAANY-area JET alumni, and that you can invite friends-of-JET along (if you have any native-speaker friends who’d enjoy an informal chat session, by all means bring them along. If they don’t have FB, they can still participate; just inform me beforehand).There’s no fee to participate, and feel free to leave the chat whenever or for whatever reason. However, if you would like to participate, try not to be late.This week’s 話題/jumping-off point is: 「"どっちがいい"ゲーム」If you have any questions, do ask me (Giuseppe “Joe” di Martino) at
August 18, 2020 at 6 PM PDT - JETAANC Film Appreciation Club August Theme Akira Kurosawa - Join the group for more info
August 20, 2020 at 5:00 PM CDT -JETAAMN Virtual August Movie Night- REGISTERJoin us over Zoom August 20th 5-9pm for a JETAAMN movie night! BYOP (bring your own popcorn) and drinks! We'll vote on a Japanese movie from films available on various streaming platforms. The Zoom link will be available on the Facebook event closer to the date
August 20, 2020 at 8:00 PM ET - USJETAA Webinar: Careers Using Japanese for JETs - REGISTERThe JET experience is a life-changing one, and when you return home, you may feel confused and/or stressed about the job search, specifically for jobs that allow you to use your Japanese. Join this seminar if you’re still on or already done with the JET Program, and learn some key tips about job searching.Please register in advance here: Hooghart (Shiga, 1990-1991) is an instructor, consultant, and parent of bilingual kids. Anne maintains a personal and professional focus on fostering interest in the Japanese language and culture.Kasia Lynch is the Founder of Ikigai Connections. Kasia aims to be a kakehashi (bridge) between job seekers who want to utilize their Japanese language and/or cultural skills, and the global companies that need them.Faye Valtadoros (Kagawa, 1998-2000) is a 6-12 grade Japanese teacher. Faye strives to open her students' eyes to all the amazing things about the Japanese language and culture while talking about her JET days and what she learned while living in Japan.
August 21- August 23, 2020 at 6:30 PM - NoCOWY Hosted Camping Trip - Facebook Event - CANCELLEDUp the Poudre River and through the Canyon to camping we will go 🎶 Join your fellow JET alumni on this NoCOWY Subchapter hosted event at Mountain Park Campground. All the good ol' camping activities will be going on: hiking, playing games, and sitting around the campfire (undoubtably roasting marshmallows). Families are welcome, though some activities may be more adult oriented. You don't have to live in Northern CO or WY to join.🎟️How much is it to attend?There is no ticket to attend! The cost will be whatever you pay to book your site + your own food. The full weekend with your own site is $72. If just Sat/Sun, $36. You can buddy up and split the cost of your site with other attendees. Firewood is sold at the campsite or you can pick some up from the forest.🏕️ Campsite Details: site has parking for up to 2 cars and 8 people. As of today, there are 2 regular campsites for Aug. 22-23 and one double remaining for the weekend, 21-23. Sites book up fast, so hop on now if you want to secure your own site! There are some first come sites, but these tend to be taken if you're not on-site on Thursday.Didn't get a chance to book your own site? Buddy up! Post in the event to see who you could join or if you'd like to offer space on your site.Mountain Park Alternatives: There are several campgrounds along the Poudre which can be found on🍳 Food: For sake of food preference and germs, please bring your own food and utensils. The campground does have drinking water.😷 COVID things: Since this is an outdoor event, it will be easier to social distance. If the site closes, we will update the event and let anyone know who planned on attending. Should you or anyone in your household be sick (especially running a fever), please stay home to keep whatever it may be from spreading. We're no strangers to masks either for those closer-contact activities.
August 21, 2020 at 8:00 PM EDT - Great Lakes JETAA Happy Hour- Facebook Event2020 JETs and alumni can mingle in our virtual version of our annual Happy Hour for new JETs.Date: Friday, August 21, 2020Time: 8pmLocation: We will post a link on Facebook nearer to the date of the event, or you can request that we send you the link by email.
August 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM EDT - JETAA Chicago's Trivia Night Part 4- Facebook EventTwenty competitors split into four teams will vie for the crown of Trivia Champion by attacking three rounds of questions dedicated entirely to the beloved Avatar: The Last Airbender television series.So follow your spirit guide and come rep your nation as alumni go head-to-head to prove their trivia dominance!
August 24, 2020 at 6:30 - 7:30 PM EDT - JETAANY Nihongo Dake 春のお喋りタイム #16「What Would You Do?」- Facebook EventClick “going” on the FB page to RSVP. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone via FB Messenger ten minutes before the session is to begin. Note that this is not necessarily restricted to JETAANY-area JET alumni, and that you can invite friends-of-JET along (if you have any native-speaker friends who’d enjoy an informal chat session, by all means bring them along. If they don’t have FB, they can still participate; just inform me beforehand).There’s no fee to participate, and feel free to leave the chat whenever or for whatever reason. However, if you would like to participate, try not to be late.This week’s 話題/jumping-off point is: 「あなたならどうする」If you have any questions, do ask me (Giuseppe “Joe” di Martino) at
August 25, 2020 at 7:30 - 8:30 PM CDT - BLM Kansai: A Discussion with JET Alumni, Deontae "Deuce" Griggs -𝗥𝗦𝗩𝗣 REQUIRED 𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗚𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧*: be more inclusive of those who do not use/have social media, event 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 - only promoted.
In solidarity and to support the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, JETAA Chicago has invited Deontae “Deuce” Griggs, a Chicago native and fellow JET alumni to share his experiences and views as one of the key organizers for the first BLM peaceful march in Japan.
Our discussion will explore the parallels between the BLM movement in Japan and the USA, how Deuce's JET experiences helped him develop his leadership abilities, and what we can do to help maintain the momentum of BLM as we work together in solidarity towards achieving racial justice and equity.
Want to join the the conversation? 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗦𝗩𝗣 𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗚𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊:• Attendees who RSVP via Guestlist event will receive the event details and link* via confirmation email.• This event a public event open to JET alumni and our FOJs (Friends/Family of JET). All must agree to adhere to our Community Conduct & Agreements to attend the event.
Questions? Contact us at
Looking forward to keeping the momentum going as we continue to #JETogether because #BlackLivesMatter!JETAA Chicago Leadership Board