Level Up Your Japanese with 6 Free Months of Yomu Yomu!

A big thank you to Yomu Yomu for their continued support of the JET community by offering six months of free access to their extensive learning materials.

As a sponsor of the USJETAA Japanese Reading Group, Yomu Yomu is a valuable resource for JET alumni and Japanese learners looking to enrich their self-study routine. We welcome you to double up on your language resources by joining our Japanese Reading Group sessions held every month, led by writer and translator Daniel Morales (Fukushima, 2005-2008) where you can learn alongside other JET alumni. The Yomu Yomu app provides reading and listening practice to help maintain Japanese proficiency at any level.

Activate your account at https://yomuyomu.app/activate and use the discount code: JETS2025.

Happy learning!


Community and JET: The Heart of the Program


Start Your Fridays with Rajio Taiso & Community Building